Sunday, March 9, 2008

Connect the dots

I alluded to The Usual Suspects' flashback sequence previously, and I noted that the mainstream press haven't grasped the significance of this yet, but I didn't lay out how I see the dots connecting. And I'm not going to draw a map here. But think of how this all relates to the breakthrough mobile device and see if you can connect them yourself:

Mac OS X. XCode. Cocoa. Core Data. Core Audio. Core Video. Core Animation.

Yellow Box, Intel,

iPod, iTunes, Apple TV, media distribution.

PDA, Apple PDA (lack thereof), game console, portable gaming device (PSP), games.

Apple stores, AT&T, Best Buy, Starbucks.

Microsoft, Exchange, SQL, cloud computing.

If that sounded like a random string of SEO buzzwords, then we don't connect the dots the same way. Or you don't follow Apple and/or the computer industry closely enough to know what some of those things mean. Or maybe I'm full of crap.

I do know that if I had money to invest, I'd put it into AAPL now before everyone else connects the dots. Or, maybe they'll never connect the dots and AAPL won't explode until 1-2 quarters after June. We'll see. I'm betting on one or two analysts announcing a $225 or so target price this week and AAPL will accelerate. But I wouldn't put too much faith in analysts...

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